Please use the coupon below for your free second copy of your 8mm, Super 8 or 16mm movie film transfer.

Please display this coupon on your mobile device or mention code 852.
Unlike many mail in transfer services our orders are picked up and delivered by hand. (All HD 16mm film as well as sound HD 8mm/Super8mm film is sent out of NJ at this time and requires 6-8 weeks for turn-around time.)
Movie Film formats supported
Super 8mm
Video transfer pricing varies based on the number of original tapes, movies and/or slides we transfer, and the number of final DVDs or Blu-Ray disks we produce. If you choose, we can transfer multiple originals to a single disk (as many as will fit).
Output formats available
Your film can be delivered to you on DVD, Blu-Ray or digital format.
For additional information please visit our store in Westwood, email or phone us at 201-664-4113
Video Transfer Services
From 8mm, Super8 or 16mm Movie Film To SD DVD
$ .35 per foot min. 400'
Master DVD up to 2 hrs $10.00
Minimum of 400 feet. Background music and basic chapter markers are included. For additional services please inquire. Allow 2 weeks.
From 8mm, Super8 or 16mm Movie Film To SD MP4 Video File
$ .35 per foot min. 400'
Extra charge for USB drive
Minimum of 400 feet. 1 edited SD MP4 file per disc. For additional services please inquire. Allow 2 weeks.
From 8mm, Super8 or 16mm Movie Film To BluRay Disc
$ .35 per foot min. 400'
Master BluRay Up to 2 hrs $79.95
Minimum of 400 feet. Background music is included. For additional services please inquire. Allow 2 weeks.
From Super8 with Sound or 16mm Movie Film with Optical Sound To SD DVD
$ .58 per foot min. 400'
Master DVD up to 2 hrs $10.00
Minimum of 400 feet. Background music is included. For additional services please inquire. Allow 2 weeks.
From Super8 with Sound or 16mm Movie Film with Optical Sound To SD MP4 Video File
$ .58 per foot min. 400'
Extra charge for USB drive
Minimum of 400 feet. 1 edited SD MP4 file per disc. For additional services please inquire. Allow 2 weeks.
From Super8 with Sound or 16mm Movie Film with Optical Sound To BluRay Disc
$ .58 per foot min. 400'
Master BluRay Up to 2 hrs $79.95
Minimum of 400 feet. Background music is included. For additional services please inquire. Allow 2 weeks.
From 8mm or 16mm Film with Magnetic Sound To SD DVD
$ .72 per foot min. 400'
Master DVD Up to 2 hrs $10.00
Minimum of 400 feet. Film is sent out of NJ at this time. For additional services please inquire. Allow 6-8 weeks.
From 8mm or 16mm Film with Magnetic Sound To SD MP4 Video File
$ .72 per foot min. 400'
Extra charge for USB drive
Minimum of 400 feet. 1 edited SD MP4 file per disc. Film is sent out of NJ at this time. For additional services please inquire. Allow 6-8 weeks.
From 8mm or 16mm Film with Magnetic Sound To BluRay Disc
$ .72 per foot min. 400'
Master BluRay Up to 2 hrs $79.95
Minimum of 400 feet. Film is sent out of NJ at this time. For additional services please inquire. Allow 6-8 weeks.
From 9.5mm Film Silent To SD DVD
$ .92 per foot min. 400'
Master DVD Up to 2 hrs $10.00
Minimum of 400 feet. Background music is included. Film is sent out of NJ at this time. For additional services please inquire. Allow 6-8 weeks.
From 9.5mm Film Silent To SD MP4 Video File
$ .92 per foot min. 400'
Extra charge for USB drive
Minimum of 400 feet. 1 edited SD MP4 file per disc. Film is sent out of NJ at this time. For additional services please inquire. Allow 6-8 weeks.
From 9.5mm Film Silent To BluRay Disc
$ .92 per foot min. 400'
Master BluRay Up to 2 hrs $79.95
Minimum of 400 feet. Film is sent out of NJ at this time. For additional services please inquire. Allow 6-8 weeks.
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